音楽 PR

ボーカリスト IBUKI インタビュー 約2年半ぶりとなるシングル「夢限像-MUGENZOU-」リリースに向けて・Included a short English translation.



Onigiri Media shares a special interview with vocalist IBUKI with you. We talked about her new song, to be released in June, album “ExMyself – European Special Edition”, and more. We have included a short English translation of this interview, and hope you enjoy it.

IBUKI’s Special Interview

2021年1月イギリスのSetsuzoku Recordsから「ExMyself – European Special Edition」をリリースしたボーカリストのIBUKIが、2021年6月16日に3枚目のシングルとなる「夢限像-MUGENZOU-」を、国内にてリリースする。

今回のインタビューでは、約2年半ぶりの新曲リリースについてはモチロンの事、昨年から始まった新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大状況についての心境や、コロナ禍でのレコーディングについて、「ExMyself – European Special Edition」をリリースしての感想等について語ってもらった。



Vocalist IBUKI will release her third single, “MUGENZOU” in Japan on the 16th of June, 2021. We interviewed her about the new song among other things, and have included a brief English translation of the interview. Please check it out.






■ライブもなかなかできず厳しい状況が続く中、IBUKIさん的に明るい話題と言えばイギリスのレーベル「Setsuzoku Records」からのスペシャル盤リリースがあると思うのですが、実際リリースされてみての感想はいかがでしょう。YouTubeのコメント欄等を見ると英語や海外からのコメントも増えている様ですが。


一昨年(2019年)、FATE GEARさんのサポートボーカルでイギリス公演を行なっているのですが、また絶対イギリスに行きたいです。



The Covid-19 Situation

About one year has passed since the COVID-19 pandemic began. How have you been spending your time during this?

IBUKI: To be honest, not much has changed for me. I’m an introvert by nature and I don’t go out that much. And there are lots of things I can do online. So I’m trying to stay positive about this Covid-19 situation. For example, I’ve taken this opportunity to focus on my YouTube activities and posted a lot of my videos on it.

■In January 2021, you released ExMyself – European Special Edition through Setsuzoku Records. How do you feel about the release?

IBUKI: I’ve been getting a lot more comments from people overseas on YouTube, Twitter and more. It’s great to read them.

In 2019 I performed in the UK as a support vocalist for FATE GEAR. And I definitely want to go back to the UK, when the situation has passed.

I’m looking forward to seeing fans if I have opportunity to perform in the UK in the future.


■6月16日に3rd シングル「夢限像」がリリースされますが、まずはレコーディングを、このコロナ禍の中、どの様に行われたのですか?






B面「Defective Love」は、アダムとイヴ…男女の愛をテーマにした歌詞なのですが。男女というのは、不完全であるからまた一つになろうとして惹かれ合うのではないか?と思っていて。そんなことをテーマに書いた曲です。



主旋律より高い部分を歌っているので、「高っ!」って思わず言ってしまったくらいです、まさに鳥になった気分でした(シングルに収録されるBack Trackだとコーラスがよく聴こえます)。



Your 3rd single “MUGENZOU” will be released on the 16th of June in Japan. How did you record it during Covid-19?

You also wrote the lyrics and composed the music yourself, could you tell us about your thoughts on each song?

IBUKI: The recording process is much the same as before. We have always communicated online. We used a recording studio to record vocals and do the mixdown but we did it with fewer than 5 people. The only things that have changed are wearing a face mask and using hand sanitizer.

The song MUGENZOU includes the lyrics “Kagayake Mugen no Toritachiyo (Shine, infinite birds) “. Just as it’s natural for a bird to fly… it’s natural for a musician to play music, and it’s natural for me to sing. Such is the meaning in the song.

The single also includes another song “Defective Love”. This song is about Adam and Eve… I mean the love between a man and a woman. I think that men and women are attracted to each other because they are imperfect and want to be united again. That’s the theme of the song.

■MUGENZOU” is a very high-pitched, high-speed song. What was the most difficult point?

IBUKI: The most difficult part was the chorus. I sang a higher pitch than the main melody, and ended up blurting out “it’s high!” I felt like a bird. When I finished singing the song and listened to it, I was very happy to feel that I had grown a lot compared to the last recording.

Release info

2021年6月16日リリース、IBUKI 3rdシングル「夢限像-MUGENZOU-」は、現在各CDショップにて予約受付中(特典あり)

  • タイトル
  • 夢限像-MUGENZOU-
  • 収録曲
  • 1)夢限像-MUGENZOU-
  • 2)Defective Love
  • 発売日
  • 2021年6月16日
  • 型番
  • PRRA-0012
  • 価格
  • 1,650円(税込)
  • レーベル
  • Proud Rose Records

Message from IBUKI






IBUKI: It’s been two and a half years since we’ve released a single. I’d like to thank all of you who have been looking forward to it and supporting me.

I think many of you have felt stress in Covid-19, so please listen to my performance and feel refreshed!

I was able to show off a feminine side while keeping things cool for the cover photo . I hope you enjoy it, too.

Live Info


今回のライブではイギリス Setsuzoku Recoreds のレーベルメイトである BRIDEAR との2マン・ライブとなる。

Setsuzoku Records w/Orion Live Japan & Ran Touring presents
Global Metal Connection (International release live)


IBUKI Profile


2017年11月に1st Single「Rise/We are No.1」、2018年6月には 1st Album「ExMyself」、11月には 2nd Single「HIGH TENSION」をリリース。


Twitter @vocal_IBUKI
Instagram @vocalibuki
YouTube チャンネル

Known for her range, tone, and power, IBUKI is one of Japan’s most respected and admired metal vocalists.

IBUKI rose to fame participating in many projects including fronting the all-female metal band DISQUALIA, support vocalist for FATE GEAR, Rie aka Suzaku, guitarist Kabaya’n, and appearences in the the wrestling-theatre hybrid ‘THE MAKAI’ (performing as the ‘Evil Charm’). She is also the vocalist for the popular metal-over project known as NATSUMETAL.

In 2018, IBUKI set her sights on expression as a solo artist. Her 2018 album ExMyself showcases her talent as not only a vocalist but also as a songwriter. The ExMyself – European Special Edition, out 29/01/2021, is her first international release and features a brand new track, ‘Door to the New World.’ IBUKI’s new single, ‘夢限像-MUGENZOU’ will be released June 16.

Setsuzoku Records
June 16 2021 Release

おにぎり1号・Tomoko Davies-Tanaka
Onigiri Media メイン・ライター おにぎり1号こと Tomoko Davies-Tanaka (Team Little-Big) は、フリーランスPRエージェント。海外⇔国内、英語⇔日本語業務を中心に、スモールビジネスのPR業務のサポート他、コーディネーションやブッキングも行っています。 インタビュー記事 https://ledgeweb.com/740/