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IBUKI「ExMyself European Special Edition」UKレーベル「Setsuzoku Records」より1月29日リリース。IBUKIのコメント+動画も紹介!(Japanese / English)


ソロボーカリスト・IBUKIの「ExMyself European Special Edition」が、イギリスの新レーベル「Setsuzoku Records」第1弾として、2021年1月29日 ヨーロッパでリリースされる。これについて、IBUKIより特別コメント+動画が届いたのでご紹介する。

Japanese singer IBUKI will release “ExMyself European Special Edition” on Jan 29th 2021, her first international album with the U.K. label “Setsuzoku Records”. Onigiri Media shares her comments about that album in both Japanese and English. Please check it out!

ExMyself European Special Edition

日本のロック・シンガー・IBUKIが、2018年6月リリースしたアルバム「ExMyself」に、新制作・録音したボーナストラック「Door to the New World」他を加えた限定盤「ExMyself European Special Edition」を、イギリスの新レーベル「Setsuzoku Records」第1弾作品として、2021年1月29日 UK/EUでリリースする。


Known for her range, tone, and power, IBUKI is one of Japan’s finest metal vocalists.

Her 2018 album ExMyself showcases her talent as not only a vocalist but also as a songwriter. The ExMyself European Special Edition, out 29/01/2021, will be her first international release and features a brand new track recorded exclusively for Setsuzoku Records.

Setsuzoku Records

2019年ロンドンで開催された、日本の主にガールズ・メタルバンドを集結したイベント「METAL MATSURI」の主催者であるOrion Liveが、2020年に立ち上げたイギリスの新しいレーベル。日本のアーティストに特化し、様々なアーティストのリリースを、今後していく予定との事。

Setsuzoku Records is a UK-based record label dedicated to licensing and distributing the best music from Japan’s diverse and creative music scenes. The label began in 2020 as a division of ORION LIVE (UK) LTD, a live event and artist services company working exclusively with Japanese artists.


IBUKI’s comment

We shares IBUKI’s comments about her album “ExMyself European Special Edition” in English after Japanese, and also the video message have English subtitle on YouTube. Please take a look.

いよいよ1月29日にイギリス及びヨーロッパで、アルバム「ExMyself European Special Edition」がリリースされますが、今の気持ちを教えて下さい。

IBUKI) 元々日本でリリースされていたCDということもあり、実はお話をいただいた時はあまり実感が湧かないというか、「あ、私のCD海外で出るんだ」という、どこか他人事のような感じでした。



Your first international album “ExMyself European Special Edition” will soon be released. How does it feel? 

IBUKI: ExMyself was originally released in Japan in 2018. So, to begin with I didn’t have any special feelings and the reality didn’t really sink in. It felt like someone else’s business.

However, while checking the new cover design and making the bonus track, I felt that I had switched over to the idea that I was creating another new album instead of re-releasing and old one.

I didn’t do any recording for any thing over the last two years, so I was so excited. Now I simply feel that I’m happy to be able to release the album overseas!

そもそもSetsuzoku Recordsとは、どんなご縁で今回のリリースになったのですか?

IBUKI) 2019年末に、FATE GEARのサポートボーカルとしてロンドン公演を行ったのですが、出演したフェスの主宰が、Setsuzoku Recordsのクリスさんでした。



When did you first meet with Setsuzoku Records?  And, what did you feel at the time?

IBUKI: I performed in London as a supporting vocalist for the band FATE GEAR at the event “Metal Matsuri” at the end of 2019. The event organizer was Chris [Christopher Morris] from Setsuzoku Records.

I was impressed that Chris was very enthusiastic about music and events. I am interested in overseas countries, especially the U.K., so it was a great honor to be able to perform there.

Also, at autograph sessions, there were quite a few fans who bought my CD and asked for autographs. It was the moment where I realized “Oh, the album I released crossed the seas and many people listen to it”. I felt an impulse to make music as an artist again.

「ExMyself European Special Edition」で一番聴いて欲しいところや、ご自身的なアピールポイントはありますか?




What were you especially proud of in “Ex Myself-European Special Edition”?

IBUKI: This time, in addition to the Japanese version of the song lineup, we have added one song as a bonus track.

This bonus track does not feel like a bonus track. It uses the highest pitch in my history, and it is one song that showcases the potential of my high-toned vocals.

Not only the shout at high G# that comes in at the beginning and the last, but also the ultrasonic range called the highest sound, high high D# at the outro, so please enjoy my high range vocals.






Please give us a message to your fans.

Hi I’m IBUKI, Thank you for always supporting me.

Thanks to you, we were able to release the international album.

The content is 8 tracks from the album “ExMyself” released in Japan before, plus 1 bonus track, but the jacket design is also different from the Japanese version, so I think it’s cool. Even if you already have the Japanese edition, I would love it if you grabbed the international edition, too.

Release Info


ExMyself ‘European Special Edition’ T-shirt


おにぎり1号・Tomoko Davies-Tanaka
Onigiri Media メイン・ライター おにぎり1号こと Tomoko Davies-Tanaka (Team Little-Big) は、フリーランスPRエージェント。海外⇔国内、英語⇔日本語業務を中心に、スモールビジネスのPR業務のサポート他、コーディネーションやブッキングも行っています。 インタビュー記事 https://ledgeweb.com/740/